Maybe you’re a singer, an athletic or a blogger, there are plenty of people out there doing the same thing you’re doing. But how do you make yourself stand out? You build your own brand and show the world what you had that all those other people don’t.


The digital age has made branding way more accessible if you know what you’re doing. Social media outlets like Twitter, and Snapchat can help you get your message out quickly, and with the right Instagram, you can go viral. Throughout the next couple of months, we’ll be giving you some tips to getting your brand on the right track. But for now, here’s four tips to get your brand off the ground.


  • Take some time to write down what you want your brand to be.

One of the worst mistake new talent makes is brand inconsistency. For example, if you’re a singer building your brand focus on your music. Now isn’t the time to talk about how you’re also a fashion blogger, and a chef. Give people a main idea to focus on then run with it. You can’t expand a brand you don’t yet have.


  • Set realistic goals

Before beginning this journey, think about what you want the end result to be. Visualize what success looks like and hold onto those images when times get rough. However, remember when your mom told you success doesn’t happen overnight? She’s right. Chances are you’re not going to reach 100k followers in a week. But if you keep posting consistent, quality content the followers will come.


  • Establish consistent social media handles

Digital branding only works, if you do. If you’re a country singer, and your Instagram handle is BigTrucks4Lyfe, it’s going to make it really hard for people to find you. The best course of action is to make sure all of your social media handles, are or as close to your name/stage name as possible. Now, if you’re a blogger who’s blog name just happens to be BigTrucks4Lyfe then go for it!


  • Reach out to like-minded people

One of the chief aims of digital marketing is creating community. If you’re just starting outreach out to the influencers in your field. Figure out what worked for them, and try it out. Ask questions, people are usually thrilled to answer them.



Hope you enjoyed our first blog post! Stay tuned for more!


The JMA Team